
STEPAN, established in 1988, was relaunched in 2021 after the Regional Science, Engineering, Technology and Innovation (SETI) experts meeting in 2020, and it is currently functioning according to its constitution. At present, STEPAN has 19 National Focal Point Representatives (NFPRs) and one observer (as of May 2022) nominated by member states’ National Commission for UNESCO in March 2021 and April 2022.  


STEPAN is organising the second annual meeting from 23 to 24 May 2022 and has been calling for the nomination of new members to the whole region to join the regional effort of enhancing SETI capacity towards national development goals and SDGs. 

In the second annual meeting will be expected the country members to identify priority areas under each thrust including: 

  • Inputs on the Development of comprehensive STEPAN’s Work Programme – Annually Including the potential activities to be undertaken under STEPAN umbrella 
  • Identification of potential joint proposals to be delivered under the STEPAN umbrella 
  • Inputs on the Proposed Innovation Ecosystem for STEPAN 

STEPAN Second Annual Meeting is open to UNESCO SETI family in the region. To join the meeting please register at:


Since its revival in March 2021, STEPAN has 19 country member and 1 observer and has achieved several milestones, including the newly approved STEPAN Action Plan 2021 – 2025. STEPAN is operating through its action plan with 3 main thrusts: 

  • Thrust 1 (linked to UNESCO Output 4.SC4): SETI Governance 
  • Thrust 2 (linked to UNESCO Output  4.SC5):  SETI Cooperation and  Collaboration  for  SDGs technologies 
  • Thrust 3 (linked to UNESCO Output 1.SC6):  Supporting multi-spectrum STEM Capacity Building for enhanced science services to society 

STEPAN is now actively coordinating the implementation of the Action Plan and the launching of a series of activities from 2022 onwards and led by the elected Coordination Board that consists of a Chair and 4 Vice-Chairs. 



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